Hello and welcome to my blog.
I have decided to write this blog to let the world (well anybody that finds it) know about my experience of Solar PV.
On the 1st April 2010 the UK Government introduced a new scheme to encourage people to “invest” in renewable energy production on a small scale, and Solar PV seems to be the best for me. Incidentally, I understand on the same day, the German scheme finished after 20 years...
Why Solar PV
Well there are other technologies out there such as wind turbines and air or ground source heat pumps, but most of them have mechanical elements involved, which means noise and maintenance.
So what’s the deal on Solar PV?
As it currently stands you can put a Solar PV system on an existing house of up to 4 Kilowatt Peak and receive 41.3 pence from the government for every Kilowatt (Unit) it produces. This is payable even if you use the power yourself! In addition to this, you will be able to sell any surplus electricity back to your electricity company for 3 pence per unit. In practice they all assume you will use half the electricity produced, so overall you will effectively receive 1.5 pence for every unit.
Is it worth it?
As with most things there are economies of scale, the larger the system, the better the return, and these figures are to give a rough guide only:
Installation of a 4 KWp system £15,500
Annual power production 3,000 Units (rounded down from government estimates for simplicity)
Received from government 3,000 X 41.3 = £1,239 (via your electricity company)
Received from Electricity Company 3,000 X 3 X 0.5 = £45
Saved by using half the electricity produced 3,000 X 8 X 0.5 = £120 (assumes you pay 8 pence per unit)
Total annual benefit = £1,404 (Tax free)
Using the official Government figures, payback would be within 10 years, and their deal lasts for 25, so that means 15 years of “profit”!
Is it as good as it looks?
Ask me in 25 years, but as some companies are installing the systems for free, and effectively “renting” the roof space by letting the home owners use the free electricity, while they pocket the cash back themselves, then it must have some merits....
My system
I have had installed a 3.7KWp system on my roof which faces about 15 degrees (one hour) east of due south. 14 of the panels are in two blocks (of 8 & 6) at either end of the main roof which slopes at about 45 degrees, and 6 on top of a shallow sloping dormer roof. The system comprises of 20 Perlight 185W panels, a Master Volt XS4300 inverter, various isolator switches and a generation meter.
Production to date
The system was commissioned on the 27th August, and 3 full days of production over a dull Bank Holiday weekend have generated 33 units (£14.12).
I will aim to update this blog on a regular basis to let you know how my system performs.
Wow Its a great article I must say.. Simple but yet entertaining and engaging.. Keep up the good work!yorkshire